Access business fillings from official registriesRetrieve Business Registry Documents and Fillings with Real-Time KYB ChecksEnsure Transparency with Rich Data Points against Businesses Request Demo Our Trusted Partners KYB Document - Retrieval Made SimpleYour gateway to legally authoritative global company data and registry filings, all in one platform.Extract Real-Time InformationGet quick access to normalized data from a unified platform - The KYB to enhance your KYB compliance efforts through company information lookup.Obtain Registry DocumentationYou can instantly download all free publicly available registry documents from The KYB portal. Get paid documents on-demand within the official SLA with the registry.Gain access to official business fillings for accurate KYB ChecksMemorandum of Association Confirmation Statement Operating Document Articles of Association Income Statements Advisor Agreement Certificate of Good Standing Annual Return Request DemoMake Document Retrieval Easy & Stay CompliantGetting the important documents like UBO information to verify a business can take a lot of time and effort, often involving many different sources and manual steps.With The KYB, you can quickly get accurate and official documents in real-time. Request DemoHow The KYB Eliminates Your Struggle Hassle-Free Access to Business FilingsNo more navigation through complex procedures or delays to access company data and registry filings. The KYB portal provides access to the information needed for verification. Bypass Language ObstaclesParent registries of different jurisdictions often operate in different languages. With The KYB portal, you can bypass this barrier and get your updated documents quickly. Enjoy Seamless User ExperienceGovernment data sources across various jurisdictions often involve different formats, making the user experience complex. The KYB, as a unified platform, minimizes this struggle with swift UI/UX.How it worksRegistration DetailsEnter the required company name and country to get the list of matching company names.Get InsightsTake note of the types of documents and fillings available about your chosen company, and pick the documents required.Download as PDFThe KYB portal instantly downloads free registry documents. Request paid documents via the pay-as-you-go model, and you will receive email and portal notifications for paid documents.Our deployment options are designed to meet diverse compliance needs. The dedicated KYB Portal allows users to manage and access services The API-Based option ensures seamless integration with your existing systems, enabling streamlined operations. Contact SalesSimplify business verification with 100% authentic and real-time data from business registries of over 250 countries and states for Know Your Business (KYB) compliance.We work with clients across all scales and volumes. Request Demo